Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Answers to Chapter 31 DYUC and ATC

Do You Understand Concept 31.1?
List the differences between innate and adaptive immunity.

Innate immunity is nonspecific. It may be present all the time or activated in response to an injury or invasion. Innate systems include the skin and toxic molecules, which provide a rapid first line of defense, and phagocytic cells that ingest foreign particles. Adaptive immunity is specific and distinguishes between substances as self or nonself. Found only in vertebrates, adaptive immunity is slow to develop and involves proteins such as antibodies and T cell receptors that can recognize and destroy foreign particles.

Rarely, a person is born with a genetic disease and has no lymphocytes. What would be the consequences of this situation for the immune system? Explain why such a person would have to be very careful about going outdoors.

Lymphocytes include both B cells and T cells and are involved in adaptive immunity. A person without them would not develop immunity over time to pathogens in the environment, and thus would be at risk for infections when going outdoors. The immune system would have to rely on less-specific innate responses, which might not be as effective.

Do You Understand Concept 31.2?

Outline the sequence of innate defenses encountered by a pathogenic bacterial cell if it is ingested in food. Similarly, outline the defenses encountered by a bacterial cell that lands in the nose.

A bacterial cell that is ingested in food will encounter mucus in the body cavities, which may trap it. In the stomach it will also be exposed to gastric juices containing hydrochloric acid and proteases. A bacterial cell that lands in the nose will encounter mucus, lysozymes that can cleave bacterial cell walls, and defensins. Defensins can insert themselves into the bacterial membrane and increase its permeability to water and all solutes.

Antihistamines are used to treat the symptom of sneezing due to inflammation caused by irritants in the airways. How do you think antihistamines might work?

Antihistamines block the action of histamine, a substance that increases permeability of blood vessels to white blood cells and other molecules and allows these to move into tissues that are challenged. If these cells and molecules are blocked they will not be able to initiate the responses of inflammation and sneezing.

A massive inflammation due to a food allergy can be treated with an injection of epinephrine. Refer to the description of epinephrine’s effects in Concept 30.2. How do you think this hormone relieves the inflammation symptoms?

Epinephrine is involved in the fight-or-flight response. Some of its effects include increased heart rate and blood flow, and increases in fuel in the blood. These responses can combat the inflammation caused by a food allergy. Epinephrine also constricts blood vessels. This results in less flow in the capillaries and a reduction of inflammation.

Do You Understand Concept 31.3?

Make a table describing the four key features of the adaptive immune system.


Focuses responses on pathogens that are actually present
Responds to novel pathogens
Distinguishes self from non-self
Doesn't destroy self-cells
Has immunological memory
Responds effectively to the same pathogen in later exposures

In 2009, the H1N1 strain of influenza was a worldwide epidemic. Notably, very old people, who had been alive during the 1918 flu outbreak, had low rates of H1N1 infection. Explain this in terms of immunological memory.

The immune system remembers a pathogen after an earlier exposure through the adaptive immune response. Older people who had been exposed to that pathogen in the first epidemic and survived would have mounted a stronger and more rapid immune response to the subsequent exposure.

Insulin-dependent diabetes (Type 1) results from a destruction of the cells in the pancreas that make the hormone insulin (see Concept 39.4). One hypothesis for this disease is that it is caused by an autoimmune reaction. Explain how this might happen and how you would investigate your hypothesis.

During development, B cells that fail to recognize self-cells usually undergo apoptosis, called clonal deletion. If clonal deletion doesn't occur, it can lead to an autoimmune disease, in this case destruction of the pancreatic cells that make insulin. One way to test this would be using molecular mimicry to see if exposure to an antigen very similar to the suspected self antigen, the pancreatic cells, would lead to an immune response.

Do You Understand Concept 31.4?

Sketch an IgG antibody, identifying the variable and constant regions, light and heavy chains, and antigen-binding sites.

Refer to textbook Figure 31.7A.
The bacterium that causes diphtheria (refer to textbook Figure 31.4) synthesizes a toxic protein. You have probably not been exposed to this bacterium or its toxin. At the present time, are you making B cells and antibodies that bind specifically to diphtheria toxin? Explain your answer.

There are millions of naïve B cells in circulation, each one specific to a particular antigen, even if not previously exposed. A small number of the B cells make an antibody on their cell surface that binds to the diphtheria toxin. Once a B cell is activated by antigen-binding (exposure) only then will it begin antibody production.

When an antigenic protein such as diphtheria toxin (see above) enters the bloodstream, numerous clones of B cells are activated. Explain.

The original antigen binding stimulates the B cell to divide and create a clone of cells. These are genetically identical to the B cell and will all produce or secrete antibodies with the same specificity as the B cell and will bind to the free antigen in the bloodstream. Because an antigen, such as a protein, usually has several groups of atoms that themselves are antigens (antigenic determinants), there will be numerous B cell clones activated.

Do You Understand Concept 31.5?

Compare the T cell receptor and B cell receptor in terms of structure, diversity, and function.

T cell and B cell receptors are similar in structure, each with a variable and a constant region, though the T cell receptors are smaller and are glycoproteins instead of immunoglobulins. The two types are equally diverse and specific to a particular antigen. B cells function as part of the humoral response to produce antibodies. T cells are of two types: TH and TC. TH cells can bind to an antigen and stimulate other immune cells, including B and TC cells, to divide. TC cells bind to and destroy cells that bear the antigen on their surface.

What are the similarities and differences in function between class I and II MHC proteins?

Class I MHC proteins are present on the surfaces of nucleated mammalian cells. They present fragments of antigens to TC cells. Class II MHC proteins are on the surfaces of macrophages, B cells, and dendritic cells. They ingest antigens and bind fragments for presentation to TH cells.

What are the roles of TH cells in cellular and humoral immunity?

TH cells with specific receptors bind to antigen-presenting cells and then release cytokines, which stimulate B cells to divide in the humoral immune response and TC cells to divide in the cellular immune response.

Since MHC proteins are highly variable and almost always differ between unrelated people, an organ transplant between such people will generally provoke a cellular immune response, and the organ will be rejected. Patients receiving organ transplants are treated with cyclosporin, a drug that inhibits T cell development. How do you think cyclosporin prevents rejection? What side effects might you expect in treated people?

Blocking the production of T cells would interfere with the immune responses at several stages immediately following recognition. Without T cell activity, the transplanted organ would not be treated as an antigen or be subject to rejection or attack. However, the patient would also not be able to mount an immune response to real pathogens and so would be susceptible to disease.

Apply the Concept for Chapter 31

Concept 31.1 The Adaptive Immune Response Is Specific, p. 629



2. An immune response is mounted in the mother to the Rh+ fetal cells. But the fetus has been born and so is not affected. After the mother’s response, immune cells specific for Rh+ remain as memory cells. The next time a fetus carries the Rh+, there is a massive response by the mother, only this time the fetus has not yet been born and hemolytic disease can result.

3. Antibodies against Rh+, given to the mother, “tie up” antigens that may pass to the mother, and shield the mother’s immune system, with its memory cells, from the antigen so an immune response is not mounted.


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